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How to Pack Like a Pro:

  • Picture of packed boxPack one room at a time. Label each carton with its destination (kids' bedroom, garage, storage, etc.) before you seal it.
  • Make sure you have enough wardrobe boxes. You really don't want to fold all of your hanger clothes (and then iron them after you unpack!)
  • Pack what you need least, first. (i.e., if you move in the spring, pack your winter clothing first).
  • Pack heavy items (anchors, gold bullion, etc.) in small boxes, and linens and towels in medium sized boxes.
  • Mark all boxes, designating room and box number.
  • Make a carton identification log to show the number of boxes packed per room, and the total number of cartons packed.
  • Start packing well ahead of the move so you can pack a couple of cartons a day.
    Be sure to have plenty of "filling" material available.
  • Be sure that the bottoms of all your cartons are secured and will hold the weight of the contents.
  • Packing tape or gummed tape holds more securely than does masking tape. Pack heavier items toward the bottom of the box and lighter items toward the top.
  • Try to keep a per-box weight of 50 pounds or less; it makes moving a lot easier.
  • Always stack packed boxes as close as possible to where the movers will park the truck.

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  • Junk removal and packing/shipping supplies subject to local sales tax.